Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blooming Successes

Around the house here in Hants County, there are a few blossoms that please me a great deal.  Even the Easter Lilies, above, are sort of a novel and fun addition to the weedy border by the driveway.  
This Trumpet Vine brings me great joy, finally blooming this year.  (There was one stem of three blooms last year, which waited until I was out of town for a few days to do it's thing, so I missed it!)  In a way, these flowers are a bit anticlimactic, being rather sparse and faded looking, and the vine refuses to stick to the stone wall.  Now it has loose branches breaking down again. Yet the novelty of having this rather tropical (in my eyes) vine prospering now is something I count as a success.
Along the sunny and dry side of the house the hardy Glads are starting to bloom!  As I write this, we are getting some more well-needed rain. 
 And the solitary Eggplant is looking promising.  I think a slug has already sampled the fruit.
Around the other side, in a shady nook, the random combination of things is rather pleasing.  The Hydrangea was put there temporarily, but now the Aralia "Sun King" sets it off nicely, I think.  

I hope you all can enjoy the random combinations that turn out as if you had well-designed them.  


  1. awesome blossoms jeffy. Love hydrangeas - the litmus test flowers - they are all mostly white around here.

  2. MJDW, glad you enjoyed these too. That hydrangea is one that simply is pink all the time. It is a new hybrid of the old Annabelle Hydrangea, which is always white - probably what you are seeing around your place. I have a 'blue' one at the cottage that keeps turning out blue AND purple AND pink!
