Monday, November 5, 2012

Late Bloomers

As I was leaving the cottage the other day - and I was actually leaving: I was in my car - I glimpsed some vibrant pink things in an otherwise green and dormant bed.   Lycoris something-or-other had decided, at last, to bloom.  It is now November, and we are in Nova Scotia!  I had to go back today to get photos; buds still not open.

I just planted these bulbs in the spring, and the leaves, like mini-amaryllis, did not seem to flourish.  But here are the blooms, tempting fate.  Tempting frost, that is. I picked one stalk, along with the yellow rose (below) to put inside, in a vase of water.

This little bit of 'Toad Lily,' Tricyrtis, is also finally in bloom. This was a tiny bit of a thing when I bought it at a garden club plant sale.  I look forward to seeing how large this plant gets.
     The last of the Asters is hanging on amid the wet weather.  The cold days are still ahead.  This week is starting to feel like the end of autumn.  Down to freezing is forecast, and daytime highs will be maybe 8 above freezing.  

And this last shot is one of a few clusters coming out just now on a scraggly Japanese Spirea.  I'm so glad all these plants extend the season as long as possible, of their own accord.  No help from me!
     It is time to shut off the water at the Cottage for the season.  But some flowers will still bloom.  Thanks be for the Johnny-Jump-Ups and their tough friends.