Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Growth

The New Year begins with a few blooms and promises of other things.  The festive flowers last a long time, of course.  But a few other houseplants are providing colour, including one Kalanchoe tubiflora.  

I've been fascinated with this kind of plant since childhood; the kind of plant that grows new plants along the leaves and drops them (A form of viviparous reproduction). As a houseplant it can become a bit weedy.  It spent the summer in the ragged old greenhouse, but then decided to bloom once it got inside.  
     There largest plant indoors right now is the Christmas Tree (Abies balsamea), of course.  Poor thing, its life is coming to and end and it will be put out on the weekend. 
Underneath it an indoor growing tool was to be found:  'Biosnacky" - a germinator for edible sprouts.  Here are some mung beans 'hatching.'  In a few days they will become a wonderful stir-fry.
All the best in 2013 - may you grow many healthy things.