Over at the Cottage, the first crop of blooming things are making the most of the sunny days this weekend.
The Striped Squill is holding its own (Puschkinia scilloides), and a Crocus clump is happy under a Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera flaviramea).

Johnny-Jump-Ups rebound whenever the snow is off the ground (Viola sp.). And even the raisin-like berries from the untrimmed Privet hedge are nice (Ligustrum vulgare).

And back at the house, the first Grape Hyacinths (Muscari) are coming out, as well as the Periwinkle (Vinca minor). I love true blue flowers, and spring is a good time for them. Happy GBBD everyone!
Love your blue flowers! The Squill is also quite beautiful, but the Daphne certainly caught my eye today. Of course all these wonderful plants don't grow here, so it's great fun to be able to pop by and see your photos. Congrats on your first GBBD post.
ReplyDeleteYeah, gotta LOVE blue flowers. This blogging world is a real opportunity to see what grows elsewhere that one does not have at home. You have lots of plants I have never seen, and will never see around here! Thanks Bernie.
ReplyDeleteI really like your post, and your blog. I'm glad I found you.
ReplyDeleteBlue sure seems to be the most popular colour for spring in our northern hemisphere gardens. Yellow crocus below the cornus is a lovely combination.
ReplyDeleteMy GBBD post is here just incase you can't find it on my profile - www.leavesnbloom.com
I see winter in the background of all of your photos, but spring is definitely in the foreground. Enjoy the new season!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting, lostlandscape. You have a sarracenia blog: wow! Have loved that plant since childhood.
DeleteThanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for letting me have a stroll in your garden :-) I especially liked your Johnny-Jump-Ups, great name for a great viola! Loved your daphne too, would have liked to have one myself, but I have such a tiny garden so I have to be very choosy with what I put in.