Monday, April 8, 2013

Marilyn In Memoriam

These tulips (and the rhubarb) came from the garden of a dear friend, a few years ago; someone who was to me a gardening friend and a spiritual friend.  This post celebrates her life.  I start with some springtime photos from 2006.  Lots of tulips, and other treasures.  Later there would be lots of lilies.

This is a glimpse of Marilyn's garden.  Some wonderful things grow on her property.  She blessed the front and side yard with flowers, her husband had the back yard full of vegetables, and their upstairs renter had big beds of dahlias along the street.  It has always been a great yard to visit, any time of year.


Marilyn shared her garden, as she shared everything in her life.  Visitors wandered through it, enjoying something new, digging something up, or bemoaning the constant war against goutweed, or lily beetles!  She was, of course, a devoted garden club member.   
Touring a Day Lily garden
Entertaining at a Christmas Party
A volunteer in many arenas, Marilyn enjoyed worthwhile work, creating fun times, and  contributing to community.  Always ready with a creative idea, always ready to try something new, always ready with a costume, she helped others live life to the fullest, and have great fun.  
"Mother Nature" at a Garden Club Halloween party
Marilyn bringing out the treats at a festive Garden Club party
In my local spiritual community, she was a big contributor.  From decorating the worship space with fresh blossoms to serving tea, from sharing wisdom as a deacon to thinking deeply as a finance committee member, from serving meals for hungry people to raising funds for good causes, this friend 'cultivated' many good things. We likely all need more people around us like Marilyn: positive and energetic, realistic and sensible, intelligent and hilarious, beautiful of spirit and deeply appreciative of others.  
Church decorating committee amid their accomplishments
Servers at a fancy Tea
Marilyn White died last week, after a twelve week stay in hospital.  Even in that palliative care time she made the most of every day.  Her own room became a house of hospitality, with artwork, flowers, food, singing, card games, and lots of other joys.
May the tulips of this springtime, and every year, remind all who have known Marilyn, or someone like her, of such dear ones who blossomed and flourished, and inspired us all to do the same.  

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