Monday, April 15, 2013

GBBD: April '13

Scilla siberica
As the second little wave of blossoms arise in Nova Scotia, the earliest flowers are still hanging on.  Ahhh... the succession of growth and blossom has begun, and will carry on into every month of the rest of the year... I hope!
Puschkinia scilloides
Eranthis hyemalis
Galanthus nivalis
There's something lovely about the early blossoms coming up through last year's unkempt grass and leaves.
Puschkinia and Crocus
My first shrub to come into bloom is a hazelnut.  This bush was a seedling from a friend.  It was a 'normal,' straight-twigged plant, growing beneath it's corkscrew parent, Corylus avellana 'contorta.'
Male catkins just opening up
Female 'blossoms' just emerging
The wild Coltsfoot is thoroughly enjoying the moments of sunshine, blooming long before the leaves appear.  See the stringy petioles from last year?
Tussilago farfara
Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to you all.  Check out everything and everyone at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Lots of pretties emerging!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. I noticed the Coltsfoot along the highway coming back from Cape Breton. It always reminds me of spring, walking home from school without our winter coats blooming in the gravel where they seem to like it best.
