Monday, October 22, 2012

Slash and Save the Banana

Ensete ventricousm maurelii
A few light frosts have hit the Abyssinian Banana.  Before more damage was done, it had to be hacked, dug, potted, and  brought in.  Below you see it just a couple months ago, before it overtook the Shoo-fly plants around it.
Thought I might as well attack all the damaged leaves.  I decided to leave parts of the best ones on.  I guess I will not attempt to keep it dormant; I'll find a spot for it where it can keep growing a bit through the winter.  I expect it's greatest threat will be the usual spider mites.   And my underwatering.

It spent a few days in the greenhouse, but the temp tonight is likely to be just above freezing.  In other words, a heavy frost.
So I just brought it into the basement for the night.  I think I'll take it to work next, and find a quiet spot for it in front of a big window.  And, I commit myself to watering it every week.  Yes.  I promise.  

1 comment:

  1. Now I don't know a darn thing about banana plants and their cultivation ..except, that I love them to look at especially in the wild..but I was wondering, is yours looking especially fondly at that large white planter to the left..ahem.. Big Grin

    Commit and promise..two beautiful words.

    Hopefully no hard frost down here tonight. Not ready for it.
