Tuesday, May 23, 2023

SERMON: Abundant Rain (Earth Days 5/6)

 10:30 am, Sun, May 21, 2023 - JGWhite/FBCA

(Psalm 68:3-10; 32-35; Acts 1:6-14)

It’s raining.

Ain’t it grand? We could use some, I think. It has been a dry spring. Not only here: across Canada, in places, as we well know. The fires, and their smoke, cover a huge area.

Water is ‘an element’ for our attention today. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water – more if you are a child – and every other living thing has its portion.

Coming out of a drier land than Nova Scotia, our holy scriptures treat H2O a bit more preciously than we usually do. Their wildernesses were deserts, their community wells were very important meeting places, their food and livelihood were truly at the mercy of the elements.

Ours too, though we often can go on without noticing. Hot and cold running water – even at our cottages – is a luxury every single one of us may well have.

We turned back to the first stories of Luke’s second volume today, the book of Acts. Jesus, alive and well again, is giving final instructions to his closest followers, before He disappears for good. One of His promises is that God will arrive in a new way, to make the Spirit of Jesus present for all. “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (A 1:5)

It is no wonder that cultures around the world have used water in their rituals. Judaism has had washings of hands and so forth. And baptisms. Jesus followed the example, and as with Jewish Passover, He gave baptism a new impact.  

Just think about baptism – full immersion, as we call it – and how it takes quite a bit of water. No challenge for Nova Scotians, but more significant in the Middle East. There was no taking for granted of water in scripture.

Whenever we read of the promise of ‘abundant rain’ in the Bible, it is part of a beautiful picture. It means a lot! Our modern translation of Psalm 68 celebrates with such imagery. God rides upon the clouds and sends showers upon a thirsty land.  Rain poured down.  

Let your people be happy & celebrate because of you!

God is a God of abundance. Perhaps this is the lesson of the rains today. Our Creator and Saviour is not a God of scarcity, but of abundance. God is more abundant than the massive enemies that threaten, whatever they may be. Evil, injustice, apathy, disease, hunger, thirst.

The Biblical way often starts with help for the faithful.

There shall be showers of blessing –

Precious reviving again;

Over the hills and the valleys,

Sound of abundance of rain.

                 Mercy drops ‘round us are falling,

                 But for the showers we plead.

Sometimes, sometimes we plead as if ours is a sorry lot. As if we need so much help and encouragement from our Dear God. We forget how good we’ve got it.

This past week Sharon and I took in the Integrate church leaders conference in Saint Andrews. One theme that came from Dr. Amy Sherman, and others, was the abundance of God. Dr. Amy recommended we embrace an asset-based perspective. In other words, in our churches, we set out sights on all the human resources we have, not what we lack. Not to mention all the valuable things we have at hand. Here, we have a great location, an amazing building, incredible finances, some great ways of doing things, and on and on. We church people can too easily fall into thinking about what is scarce, instead of what is plentiful.

I remember talking once to a colleague, a minister from another church in my town, who had quit coming to the monthly ministerial meetings. He had two reasons, he said, one being the negative conversations every meeting. The other pastors were always bemoaning the non participation of younger people, the competing events people took part in, and so on. This pastor wanted to get together with other ministers who would talk about possibilities, and work together on good things: Outreach and successes.

Is the Spirit of Jesus in our midst like a fountain of living water, or not? Has God dried up? I realize I have been hearing for years about what Amy Sherman called an Asset-based perspective: not a scarcity mindset, an abundance attitude. One way of thinking about it has been spiritual gift focus. We each learn what we are here for in life, and what we can do well, thanks to our Maker.

A big part of how God and Church make the most of us, the people, came to light at last week’s leader’s conference. It was all about integrating people’s faith and their work. What any person does for their work is a place for serving the world in Jesus’ name. Your workplace is a key place to be a disciple of Christ. One of a teacher’s main places to be with God in their life is when they are doing a teacher’s work. So too with a truck driver, or a store clerk, or a lawyer. So too with a retired person, or a work-at-home person. So too in all our volunteer work, in the fire department, the Lions club, the curling club, or the 50+ Club. So too in our time off, our relaxing, our sports, our reading, our relaxing, our cottaging, our travels.

These are the places and the activities we Christians get to do with the Spirit of God. In all our vocations and our vacations we get to make a difference in the world. We are each giving. We are creating. We are cooperating. We are blessing.

Our abundant God can pour out the Spirit upon all the things we do. The flow never dries up. God bless our business deals, buying and selling. Our taking care of grandchildren. Our gardening. Our bass fishing and picking fiddleheads. Our kite flying and our golfing. Our shopping and throwing parties. Our studying and learning, our time around the campfire with loved ones, or attending a Mooseheads game in Halifax or Moncton.

So, what is going on, from a Church, is abundant, even when it is not abundantly clear. Remember, where is First Baptist on Monday afternoon? Where are you going to be? Not here. You and I will be all over the place. And wherever our places, we are the Church there.

God is an abundant God. Each one of us a little raindrop, in the refreshing, deep showers, that water this earthly society. At our better moments, we remember the difference we are making. And when we do do projects together, they are us cooperating to make a difference, to give blessing.

Like our warming centre project. With other churches in town, we met the other day to review the whole thing, which was blessed and is still blessing us by teaching us things. Ashley Legere, of Cumberland Homelessness and Housing Support Association, met with us the other day. Amid a bit of laryngitis she had, she energetically and enthusiastically commended us for the work we did, and how we did it so well together, as a big team. She praised our volunteer teams Big Time! [By the way, CHHSA has just now been able to open the shelter back up during the day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, seven days a week, now until mid-August.]

The next new things of First Baptist do not need to be inventing new programs that we have to find workers for. It can be finding what we are already doing, and bank on that. Pay attention to God blessing that. Count those human resources, our assets. Showers of blessing are already coming down.

What the Spirit of God will do next with us, together, is an abundant thing. There are quite a few of us. And our other resources are plentiful, as we’ve noticed.

Together… we can even make a difference to the actual, real water of our world. How we use paper makes a difference. Right? How much water gets used in the manufacture of paper? Can be up to five litres for one sheet of paper! So much water becomes wastewater, it is rather nasty, a terrible problem. We can care; we can learn to do some things differently.

And when a congregation learns to do things differently in the organization, that sends a message to all of us. We get prompted to try learning new things at home. And we become a good influence in the wider community.

Jesus sent the fire of the Holy Spirit to His people to make a difference to hungry people. To make a difference to the lakes and rivers. To make a difference to the way people do their jobs, or lack thereof. Can you see it?

It’s raining.

Ain’t it grand?

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