Monday, January 9, 2023

Shulie Woods

West of Amherst in Cumberland County is a quiet, woodsy highway (209) with few human residents. One of the old communities, with just a few homes left, is Shulie, at the mouth of a river along the isolated, rocky shore of Chignecto Bay. I took a walk in the woods there last weekend. This is at the eastern end of a large acreage called the Raven Head Wilderness Area.

As you can see, there is no snow on the ground, to speak of, and not much frost in the ground either. The woods here are not more spectacular than other places, but very peaceful and quiet. Little hills with a few boulders rise up and down, with bits of swamp here and there. I barely heard a bird on my afternoon out. 

I wandered along a brook down to the shoreline. There was just enough cliff to make it impossible to get down to the beach... or back up from there. I viewed a small waterfall from above. The tide was almost high. A breeze was coming off the water. New Brunswick covered the horizon.

Part of my reason for wandering here was to do some lichen searching, and I found a few lovely species on rocks and upon the trees. I keep watching for species like Blue Felt Lichen - our new Nova Scotia Lichen - but have not seen it yet in this county.

This is a nice area I will explore, again and again, in each season of the year. 

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