Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wild & Weedy Wednesday: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day


Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is on Thursday, and October in Nova Scotia is quite colourful. The Lobelia above illustrates the 'out of season' blooms you occasionally find, in the garden and in the wild.  Below is a Phlox, and then a very late Bunchberry from the woods.


There are always some late roses, right up to the first hard frosts. We have had a couple light frosts here, downtown, but nothing hard yet. 

My one foliage shot is this Kousa Dogwood, which has had reddish leaves all year long, in its sunny location, and now is at its most colourful.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is a monthly connection for floral posts around the globe, facilitated by May Dreams Gardens. Go there on the 15th of each month to find dozens of links to others blogs, and see what is blooming around the world. Thanks!


  1. Beautiful! Love the white daisy photo. Great way to end the post!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. I enjoyed my visit to your Nova Scotia garden, Jeff. All those blooms are lovely and your final photo of the daisies is glorious!

  3. Such a nice color lobelia. The phlox too. I love purples in the garden!

  4. The lobelia is beautiful - and I wish I could have bunchberry. No more room in my Massachusetts garden, for the moment.

  5. Wow ! Beautiful array of colorful blooms.Bunchberry blooms are ethereal.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here
