Sunday, February 15, 2015

Bloom Day Blizzard

Today February 15, is a total blizzard here in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Not that I'd have anything blooming outside anyway, but there is some colour inside the house. 
A few weeks ago, a dinner guest kindly brought a pot of tulips to the house, just starting to bloom.  They have lasted a long time, and though they are well past their prime, here is an expose on their February flowering.  Aside from a worn Poinsettia, this is all I got.


I have not been blogging much, or reading blogs this winter, but this blizzardy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is the perfect occasion for a fresh start.  Enjoy all the blogs, thanks to the listing at May Dreams Gardens. Today is definitely a day to dream about May, here in eastern Canada.

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Heck of a Helleborus

The snow has been lovely and plentiful over the past, uh, four weeks.  Underneath are the wonderful hopes of spring.  Back in January I took these photos at the Cottage.  A very robust Helleborus foetidus was there, looking great, with these spectacular buds.  Maybe in just a month, I will see them again, preparing to bloom.  

This plant is tough, and despite the heaps of snow over it now, it should be happy as can be when things start to melt.  In front of it is a rather dead looking Eryngium. Hopefully the Helleborus will encourage it to live again.  
     Nearby, another Eryngium, or Sea Holly, is looking OK.  And the Snowdrops (Galanthus) are always fine, despite being heaved out of the soil altogether.

If your garden landscape looks like a snow covered wasteland to you right now, think of the impervious plants just waiting to arise.