Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day MAY

It's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - May... already!  Check out many more bloom day blogs listed at May Dreams Gardens.  This is such a great, fast-paced time of year for the horticulturalist!  Last year's little marsh marigold (above, Caltha palustris) is actually blooming: WIN.  Already, some creepy-crawly is eating and defecating upon the blossoms: FAIL.  
     Below, you see something as good as a blossom to me: the opening buds of a shag-bark hickory seedling (Carya ovata).  The long, expanding bud scales are typical and distinctive of this species.  Mine is a couple feet tall, started from a nut my sister collected in southern Ontario.  I intend to dig it out and move it from home to cottage.  Tune in later to see how much of the tap-root I manage to get.
That's it for my home photos.  Next are some shots from Annapolis Royal, NS.  We made an excursion there on Saturday to the Rare and Unusual Plant Sale - a highlight of the year, of course!  I'll blog later about a few purchases I made.  For now, enjoy a few photos from the area, known, among other things, for Magnolias.


At last we get to the cottage.  Finally, after rescue from an overshadowed and overshaded spot, I have a Bergenia in bloom this spring.

And the old clump of trilliums is happy again.  (Trillium erectum)

This Pieris, new to me last year, lost it's flower buds over winter, but the new foliage is beauty enough.  I forget the variety; must have a record of that somewhere!


  1. Jeff, I'm excited to see your shagbark hickory seedling. It is a favorite of mine and I might try to start one from a nut as well.

  2. My Pieris, Valley Valentine, lost it's blooms over the winter as well. The lowest branches which would have been under the snow, kept their bloom. Nature and never knows the winter we will get. Last spring VV was glowing and full of bloom and bees.

    Am anxious to read what you bought at the spring sale in Annapolis. Lucky you!
