Monday, March 18, 2013

50th Post - Huddled Before Spring

Well, I've been garden blogging for one year, come spring.  Fifty posts... not bad, I'd say, especially considering the fact I pretty much ignored the blogosphere for the whole winter!  I'm still not quite sure why I started blogging.  Basically it was an impulse that came from 'garden fever,' and a lust for new and unusual plants that I was discovering by reading blogs.  
     Today is a cold day... didn't get above freezing, and the strong wind made it a bitter day.  But the sunshine is inspiring.  Outside, perennials and trees I started from seed last year are huddled in the garden plot, shielded by bags of leaves and branches from the Christmas tree.

As I peek at them, some look hopeful, others dead.  Above are two varieties of Eryngium, Sea Holly.  Don't ask what species. One looks like it's a gonner.  The other seems ready for resurrection.  Only time will tell.  I'm not a gambler, except when it comes to gardening.  We all wait with bated breath each spring for some of our treasures, don't we?
     With the cold today, snowdrops are closed and bowed, and crocus waits for warmth.  They would have surely been open today if it were not still so freezing cold.  One more batch of snow is due - tomorrow evening - before Spring begins!
Inside, today, the sunshine (and the pellet stove) make it summery. 

The Amaryllis, the Banana, and the 'Shamrocks' (Oxalis) wish us well with a vision of things to come.  

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts about why we start blogging, or why you did. Same with me. Just wanted to write it down and have a record and share and enjoy sharing it, with family more than anything. Then it grew..and garden blog friends were just became a pleasure which I guess is why I still do it. Your posts have been great to read and have introduced me to new plants.

    So you have crocus coming up...your Valley temps can be so much ahead of us on the South Shore.

    Sadly, snow to welcome spring as you say. SIGH. But..sunshine ahead..buds swelling, raking, burning garden debris...all the smells of spring and the anticipation.
